Why Cleaning in Place?
/ Improves plant operation due to repeatable cleanings
/ Improves product quality due to hygiene in the plant
/ Reduces staff time wasted on cleaning tasks
/ Save cleaning costs
/ Safe handling of hazardous substances such as detergent
/ Reduces cost of cleaning chemicals

Process plant design
Plant and equipment design
Use of sanitary equipment
Connection elements and sanitary pipe
For an optimal cleaning effect the individual parameters in the cleaning steps must be adjusted one by one
Parameters and specifications
Detergent titration
Detergent chemical activity
- Composition
- Concentration
- Surface tension
- dispersion force
Cleaning time
Total duration of cleaning action
Mechanical effect of flow with detergent
wall friction
Reynolds number
- Cleaning solution temperature
Supply of the cleaning agent directly to the equipment to be cleaned
Dosing and mixing of chemicals and disinfectants separately and safely
Cleaning solution storage and availability
Safe heating of cleaning solution
Control and measurement of operating parameters (eg conductivity, temperature, etc.)
Control of cleaning processes